“These are the times that try men’s souls.”
Thomas Paine, The American Crisis


“Lord have mercy.”

The Jesus Prayer

Images of the tornadoes that struck Illinois are hard to look at. I can’t imagine losing absolutely everything.

“What do these people do?” I asked my husband.

“I have no idea.”

Sometimes it is easier to look away. Turn the tv on and forget the images.

But, we can’t. We have to pray.

At times like these, all I can do is pray, “The Jesus Prayer.”

“The history of the Jesus Prayer goes back, as far as we know, to the early sixth century, with Diadochos, who taught that repetition of the prayer leads to inner stillness. Even earlier John Cassian recommended this type of prayer. In the fourth century Egypt, in Nitria, short ‘arrow’ prayers were practiced.

Abba Macarius of Egypt said there is no need to waste time with words. It is enough to hold out your hands and say, ‘Lord, according to your desire and your wisdom, have mercy.’ If pressed in the struggle, say, ‘Lord, save me!’ or say, ‘Lord.’ He knows what is best for us, and will have mercy upon us.”

Such rich truth: the repetition of prayer leads to inner stillness.


Will you join me in praying this simple, yet profound, prayer for all the men, women, children, and families suffering through the loss of everything.

Fill out the info below, and I'll send you a link to download the PDF interactive guide, "Why Am I So Angry?" I believe that if you put in the hard work + intentional application of these principles + spiritual fortitude into this healing practice, you will move into a far more meaningful life.

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