My One Word

On the table in my foyer, I keep a little chalkboard slate and a piece of chalk.

A place to write greetings, healthy self-talk or encouraging words for those who walk through my door.

A new year brings a brand new slate on which to write a brand new story.

From Streamlining to Here

Last year, I spent 365 days, 8760 hours realizing the potential of my word for the year: streamline.

I had no idea how much power that word would wield over my life.

I suspected physical ramifications, like organizing writing projects and physical spaces but it was the emotional and mental ramifications that took me by surprise.

Midway through the streamlining journey, I received a medical diagnosis that punched me so hard in the stomach that I felt down for the count.

But, Hindsight quickly took my hand and led me to a seat in the theater of God’s faithfulness in my life.

One by one, scenes played in HD on the broad screen in my mind and heart. Each reminding me how much God really loved me, even when it felt as if he had forgotten me. He assured me, again, that He never leaves or forsakes his children. He always, note always, works every little detail together for His good (Romans 8:28).

Second note: his good, which ultimately leads to our good.

That’s a tough pill to swallow, I know, but I’ve come to believe it with all my heart.

My One Word for 2015

As the clock struck midnight on December 31st, I first wished my husband a happy birthday, kissed him with new year wishes, and then urged him to pray us into the new year. Half asleep, yet fully awake to the Spirit (smile), he prayed.

Three times he mentioned the word, flourish.

The first time, I smiled.

The second time, my ears perked up a bit.

The third time, my spirit resonated and had my full attention.

Flourish. My word for the year?

I was considering believe and practice, until flourish decided to walk through the door.

As I closed my eyes and bid adieu to 2014, my head hit the pillow whispering and welcoming and wondering what flourish holds in its hands.

My One Word What is Your One Word?

Now it is your turn. Do you choose “one word” for the year?

Will you be so kind to share it with us?

Let’s inspire one another and then challenge and cheer one another along.

Fill out the info below, and I'll send you a link to download the PDF interactive guide, "Why Am I So Angry?" I believe that if you put in the hard work + intentional application of these principles + spiritual fortitude into this healing practice, you will move into a far more meaningful life.

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