“Over two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ
shared the Last Supper with his disciples.
And as Christ shared his final meal, let us remember that the Son of God also
shared His own body and blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
(churchyear.net/simbahan.net/RJB/JEG-PIA NCR)

Today is known as Maundy Thursday, a day set apart to ponder the “agony” of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the “betrayal” of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, both of which took place on the night before Jesus’ crucifixion. Two sober reminders:

1. Agony, defined, means, “extreme and generally prolonged pain; intense physical or mental suffering. A display or outburst of intense mental or emotional excitement; a violent struggle.”

2. Betray, defined, means, “To deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery of disloyalty; to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling; to disappoint the hopes or expectations of; to be disloyal; to reveal or disclose in violation of confidence.”

Two very difficult words to even think about. But, sometimes, we need to do just that. Last week I spent six amazing days with my daughter, Candace, in London. On the last day, while walking through Chinatown, a simple poster caught my attention.

Alarms went off in every part of my body. It stopped me dead in my tracks. Quickly, I snapped this picture. Every ounce of my being wanted to mount those stairs and see this “beautiful Thai model” for myself. Candace urged us onward, which was the wise thing to do, but we prayed. I have no doubt that this “beautiful Thai model” is NOT a Thai model, but most likely a woman living in the agony of prostitution or the likes. I may be wrong, but my spirit quickly prompted me to pray. And, I haven’t stopped since.

Today, may we pray for women and children living in the agonizing world of human trafficking/sexual slavery. Betrayed, delivered and exposed to an enemy by disloyalty, to the highest degree.

“Jesus, You understand agony and betrayal.
Today, we pray for women and children
who are locked in the chains of human trafficking/sexual slavery.
In no way, shape, or form can we begin to understand
the hell they are forced to live in, day after day after day.
Be near them. Whisper in their ear.
Send angelic forces to open their prison doors.
Help them escape and find freedom in You.
And, Lord, today, many of your children
are experiencing their own personal agonies.
Perhaps women living right here in my neighborhood
are experiencing betrayal by a loved one.
Help them, Jesus. Help us, Jesus.
Gethsemane leads to Calvary which leads to Eternity.”


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